Picture Galleries
Come and explore our picture galleries of Fiji. Large high quality images depicting life in Fiji. Beaches, people, boats, buildings, nature, animals, and more.
Some of these images can be found elsewhere on the website, most can't - only in these galleries. All of them are photos taken by myself, there are no stock images. Galleries will be added to as time permits, so please do bookmark us or subscribe to our RSS feed to be notified of new additions.
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Photos taken in Fiji over the course of the past 10-12 years. Some building or features depicted were destroyed during Hurricane Winston in 2016, so it's good to have a photographic record of these places. For example, Charlies Place, a lovely backpackers right on the beach at Nananu-i-ra island no longer exisits. And images from Coralview resort (Tavewa Island, Yasawas) were taken before the resort was knocked down and rebuilt.