Fiji Land Transport Options
Land transport in Fiji is relatively cheap (water transport or car rentals on the other hand is outlandishly expensive, but that is a story for another day). Your options for public transport are taxi, shared taxi, bus (both express and local), shuttles, private carriers, and organised transfers.
We will look at all of these, and go into detail with pricing as well as some of the things you need to be careful with.
Mini Van Shuttles

These shuttles are everywhere, and you can catch one at any time of the day or night.
But they do come with risks, and we strongly advise against using them.
The danger is the reckless speed these tend to travel at (time is money for these guys) and their safety record is abysmal.
Bus (Local and Express)

The local bus system is reliable, more or less safe, and cheap. We recommend this for both getting around town, or longer trips (Nadi to Suva for example).
There are multiple companies operating, Pacific (our favourite), Sunbeam, Kahns etc.